Thursday, August 15, 2019

Growth and Development Essay

Children of the same age will experience progression differently, their progression is based on a dynamic process termed growth and development, both often used interchangeable, these terms however have completely different meanings. Growth usually refers to a noticeable increase in the child’s actual size, for instance the child’s weight, height, or head circumference. Development is a broader term than growth the rate and level of development are closely related to physiological maturity of the nervous, muscular, and skeletal systems. For example at birth the neurons in a child’s brain begin to make critical connections, which will be used in adult functions, such as vision. This is considered development and not growth because there is no increase of size and can observed without an advanced instrument. Development is also a sequence of composed of predictable steps along a developmental pathway common to the majority of children. Read more: Sequence and rate of development  essay Development usually focuses on several major domains: physical, motor, perceptual, cognitive, social-emotional, and language. According to Novella J. Ruffin Ph.D., Assistant Professor and Extension Child Development Specialist, physical development refers to â€Å"physical changes in the body and involves changes in bone thickness, size, weight, gross motor, fine motor, vision, and perceptual development.† â€Å"Growth is rapid during the first two years of life. â€Å"The child’s size, shape, senses, and organs undergo change.† ‘As each physical change occurs, the child gains new abilities.† Motor development is holding their head up, sitting, pulling, rolling, eye-hand coordination, reaching or grasping. â€Å"The gross motor skills develop in a head to foot progression (Gesell, 1940), â€Å"Head control is the first movement that a baby achieves, and is necessary to attain other movement skills such as sitting, crawling, and walking† (Illi ngworth, 1983). Head control is vital because The ability to roll smoothly from back to stomach, or stomach to back requires some degree of head control, and a rotation movement that occurs along the trunk of the body, between the hips and the shoulders. Rolling is the first movement that allows a baby to change his position, and usually develops between 4 and 5 months of age (Caplan, 1978). The ability to maintain a sitting position requires a baby to have developed equilibrium reactions and protective responses in the forward, backward, and side to side directions (Bobath, 1964). Although if the baby has difficulty maintaining balances, the parents can play with the child to improve equilibrium reactions. â€Å"Once an infant develops strength, coordination, and balance to move about freely on the floor, he will begin to pull up to stand and discover ways to explore things that were previously out of his reach (Bly, 1980) Perceptual development is an aspect of cognitive development that allows yo ung children to start interpreting and understanding sensory input. Cognitive development is the changing of thought, learning and perception as a child develops from infancy to childhood. As a child begins to understand who they are and what they are feeling is social-emotional development. The greatest influence on a child’s social-emotional development is the quality of the relationship that the child develops with their primary caregivers. Positive and nurturing early experiences and relationships have a significant impact on a child’s social-emotional development. Language development begins early in life; however there are different theories on how to explain just how language development occurs. For example behaviorist theory of B.F. Skinner suggests â€Å"that the emergence of language is the result of imitation and reinforcement.† Yet the nativist theory of Noam Chomsky suggests â€Å"that language in an inherent human quality and that children are born with a language acquisition device that allows them to produce language once they have learned the necessary vocabulary.† Some newborns have developmental differences caused by unfavorable conditions before, during, or after birth due to genetic or environmental influences; these facto rs could lead to atypical child development. The term atypical describes children with developmental differences, deviations, or marked delays—children whose development appears to be incomplete or inconsistent with typical patterns and sequences. There are many causes of atypical development, including genetic errors, poor health and nutrition, injury, and too few or poor-quality opportunities to learn. (Pg 34, Ch.2, Principles of Growth and Development) Atypical physical growth can also be called physical development delay, this only becomes a problem when the motor skill does not emerge by the expected date, and the child is making no progress on the learning skill. Atypical cognitive growth will tend to arise from a developmental delay. Some of the most common causes of these delays are brain injury, abuse and neglect, and gene or chromosomal abnormalities. In conclusion children can be the same age, the same weight, and the same height, but each child will develop differently, each will have their own unique pattern of growth. Each child will develop differently with the influences of environmental factors, culture, and family values that are uniquely to each individual. As children grow there are points of developmental milestones. Each milestone helps the progress of new milestones such as walking, which requires muscle strength and coordination. There are different sequences of development each as equally as important as the other. Every child will learn from their environment, and a loving and positive environment will have loving and positive children. Reference Allen, E.K; Marotz, L.R. (2010) Developmental Profiles Pre-birth through Twelve Bly, L. (1980). The components of normal movement during the first year of life. Bobath, K. & Bobath, B. (1964). The facilitation of normal postural reactions and movements in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Caplan, F. (1978). The first twelve months of life. Gesell, A. (1940). The first five years of life. Illingworth, R.S. (1983). The development of the infant and young child: normal and abnormal. Novella J. Ruffin Ph. D., (2011). Understand Growth and Development Patterns of Infants.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Ugolino and His Sons

He won the Prix de Rome in 1854 which enabled him to live in Rome (1856 – 1862). During that time he was influenced by the works of Italian sculptors of the Renaissance period such as Michelangelo, Donatello, and Andrea Del Verrocchio. He also started to increase his focus of studies on complex sculptures and bas-reliefs. His passion led him to start carving several pieces on marble before the famous work of art â€Å"Ugolino and His Sons†. Carpeaux was considered as one of the mainstream artists in Eclecticism.This movement wanted to exceed Neoclassicism and Romanticism and also described the ombination, in a single work, of elements from different historical styles. Carpeaux received many honors during his lifetime until two months before he died prematurely of cancer at the age of 48 in Courbevoie in 1875 CE. The sculpture snows (Figure 1 a man sitting on a stone cu tted witn chains in his legs. The man's facial expressions seemed as grief while biting the tip of som e of his fingers. The wrinkles on top of his eyes with his curled toes on each other gave the sense of a clueless situation the man was put in.Surrounding him, there're four ifferent-aged kids; two of them on the left side of their father's position, as they gave the emotion of looking at their father begging. And on the right side, there're the two other kids where the smallest kid fell on the ground looking dead. The sculpture depicts the tale of a traitor who was the Count of Donoratico and was imprisoned by the archbishop Ruggieri degli Ubaldini in the late thirteenth century Oune 1288). The archbishop imprisoned Ugolino with his sons and grandsons in the â€Å"Tower of Hunger†.Also, the archbishop ordered the soldiers to throw the keys of Ugolinds rison in the Arno River so that there's no way for them to be set free. They were sentenced to be left to starve in February 1289. Ugolino had this prophetic dream of the archbishop and his soldiers as the lord and huntsman kil ling the wolf the wolf cubs (Ugolino and his offspring). Ugolino had his heart-broken for hearing his sons sobbing in their sleep asking for bread. He also kept his feelings inside, he had never wept, and he used to watch his kids weeping but him feeling clueless paralyzed- thinking.Yet his offspring dreams couldn't fill their stomach. Ugolinds kids started to ook at him, wondered why he turned out to look like a stone, biting his fingers and curling his toes of one leg on top of the other one. For them, they thought that their father is starving Just like them or maybe more but for Ugolino himself, he was biting his fingers in anguish, weeping inside for not being able to feed his offspring. Therefore, they started to offer their bodies to their father so he can eat and survive.After few days, his offspring started to fall down dead one by another till the last one died on the sixth day. This part is quoted from â€Å"The Divine Comedy, Vol. l: Inferno Canto 33) – Dante Ali ghieri†. It illustrates moments of death of Ugolinds offspring and the mystery behind the possibility of Cannibalism: â€Å"l calmed myself to make them less unhappy. That day we sat in silence, and the next day. O pitiless Earth! You should have swallowed us! The fourth day came, and it was on that day My Gaddo fell prostrate before my feet, Crying: Why dont you help me?

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Self-identity image ads Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Self-identity image ads - Essay Example Thereby, these ads convince the consumers to buy that particular product so as to discernibly project their self image as an affiliate of the projected idealized person-type. Simply speaking, if advertisers do happen to contrive and popularize idealized notions of self identity, there is nothing wrong with it. Practically, all creative art forms directly or indirectly try to aspire for an idealized version of the subjects they focus on. However, the sad thing is that self identity image ads are not that innocent or innocuous. Advertising may be an art form, but it is an art form that always has concrete commercial objectives and goals. In a generalized context, not all self identity image ads may be unethical. However, a major proportion of the self identity image ads are unethical in the sense that they tend to exploit the recidivist and conservative values, notions and aspirations pertaining to gender, race and class, to play on the innate fears, anxieties and concerns of the targe ted consumers (Danesi, 2008, p. 148). They take advantage of the fact that not all viewers do have the analytical insight and critical knowledge to be able to see through the psychological manipulation they resort to. The irony is that even some of the seemingly progressive brands do resort to conservative notions of gender, race and class, to play on the emotions, fears and anxieties of the potential consumers. They rely on the power that traditional symbols and motifs pertaining to gender, class and race do command, to psychologically coerce their target consumers. This is indeed utterly unethical, immoral and highly deplorable. Even in the current times when the traditional gender roles are undergoing much change, it is a fact that a considerable proportion of populations in both the developed and developing societies does carry patriarchal notions of gender identity and gender roles (Wolf, 2002, p. 11). Most of the times, both men and women

Monday, August 12, 2019

Models of Leadership Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Models of Leadership - Essay Example & Angelo K., 2004). This factor is the key in leadership. There are a number of leadership styles that are proposed in various books journals, periodicals and the internet. In this paper, only some of them are discussed very briefly as it is not possible to discuss each and every leadership style also these are discussed briefly so that these can be applied to the selected organization in much more detail. But are these styles of leadership actually followed in the organizations today To look into the practical application of the various leadership styles, a company that specializes in the manufacturing of computer hardware components, Softech Company is selected and leadership styles followed at two different levels of management are discussed and analyzed. There is an in-depth analysis conducted on the style of leadership that these managers follow and the way they deal with their subordinates and what influence their subordinates have through their personalities. For the purpose of analyzing the application of leadership, Softech Company was selected. The company background and rationale for selection is discussed later in the paper. Two levels of the organization were focused for the analysis of the leadership style possessed by the leaders. One top level executive was chosen for the purpose of analysis and another middle level manager's leadership style was studied. The names and complete designations are kept confidential as the respondents didn't want to disclose this information. The styles of these managers vary broadly in terms of their approach to the tasks and subordinates. Models of Leadership Definitions The different models of leadership that will be discussed in this section are discussed under three theories of leadership, namely; 1. Trait Theory 2. Behavior Theory 3. Situational Theory The different models under these theories are discussed below: 1. Trait Theory This theory is based on the presumptions that leaders are born with some special traits. These traits are not possessed by those people who follow the leaders and are unique to the leaders only. Stogdill's & Mann's Research The specific traits that are possessed by the leaders (Stogdill R., 1948) that differentiate the leaders from others (Mann R., 1959) are five in number and are as follows: a. height of energy and activity b. intelligence c. self-confidence d. task relevant knowledge e. dominance Other Traits by Various Leaders Various famous leaders in the organizations have identified a number of traits that they think are possessed by the leaders. These traits are as in the table 1 in the appendix. Thus, these traits were identified by various leaders and all of them have different traits identified but the common element still remains the 'social influence'. 1. Behavior Theory Unlike the trait theory, the behavioral aspect of leadership focuses on the behaviors of the leaders

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Walmart overall financial health slp bus 305module 4 Essay

Walmart overall financial health slp bus 305module 4 - Essay Example So it gives you a look ahead at what to expect in terms of interest rates (Woodruff). Inflation is another aspect that would affect the organization. When the prices of essential commodities like rice, wheat, cooking gas go up and people spend more money for the same goods and services then it is inflation. Essentially inflation indicates that the value of money is going down and it takes more money to buy the same basket of goods. This will definitely lead to losses by business organizations as people would not be ready to spend such huge amount for the goods sold unless it is really essential. 3. If the Federal Reserve acts upon lowering the inflation, then it would best do it by maintaining price stability. Price stability preserves the integrity and purchasing power of the money in the economy. When prices are stable, people can hold money for transactions and other purposes without having to worry that inflation will eat away at the real value of their money balances (Bernanke). If the Federal Reserve lowers inflation by way of maintaining price stability, then the people would not worry about the prices of the goods and so purchasing goods by the consumers would get into normal routine without the fear of the increasing prices. This would help the organization benefit and indeed affects the organization

Principles of Marketing for Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Principles of Marketing for Business - Essay Example One such theory is the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs proposed by Abraham Maslow. Their motivational theory is largely based on a hierarchy of needs. These hierarchical levels can be defined into lower to higher levels as shown in the figure below: Figure 1: Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs (Source: Phinney & Halstead, 2003, p.15) Marketers can use this theory in conducting market research about consumer behaviour of a target market audience. It is a well known fact that a successful product is largely one that can satisfy the needs and wants of the customers. Hence marketers spend considerable time and resources towards trying to figure out the demands of the customers. The model of hierarchy shows that only when the needs in the lower part of the pyramid are fulfilled the individuals are motivated to fulfil the next level. Marketers can therefore use this model to predict the needs and wants and also use surveys to find out the level of the needs that are being satisfied by t he present product offering. Adequate motivation can be provided in the form of innovative advertising strategies so as to motivate individuals to move to the next level of hierarchy. An example in this regard is the computers. Initially computers were desktop based devices and thus fulfilled the basic needs of computing, however as the basic needs of individuals got fulfilled they wanted more value from the products. The arrival of laptops and now tablets is a classic example of how this motivational theory can be used by marketers to gain competitive advantage. Question 2 Choose a product and explain how the market for that product could be segmented. One of the most useful and highly innovative products is the tablet PC. The tablet PC is actually a modification of the laptop and is much smaller in size but has advanced functions and can be very well used as a mobile computing device. The market for tablet PC can be segmented on the basis of price as well as quality. In the curren t situation a tablet PC would be designed that would have optimal functions and same looks but would be priced on a lower level. The market for tablet PC’s can be segmented on the basis of income levels and age. The low cost tablet would be specifically targeted for the student segment. The product features of the product would be such that it would tend to satisfy all the needs of students with regards to using such devices in their educational needs. It will not carry advanced features like 3G or other high end graphics that are essentially not required for students in their educational activities. The product would come at a very low price tag of only 40 US dollars. The above stated segmentation strategy can largely be stated to be price and need based segmentation of the market. In the case highlighted above the product is segmented for lower income group individuals with a specific need. In this case students perfectly fall into this segment. Other than this there are st atistical techniques and tools like cluster analysis and factor analysis that can be used by marketers as a marketing research tool. Gathering real and live data from the market can help generate even better analysis and results and help generate competitive advantage in the market. Part 2 The environment The market environment is perhaps a very important area for marketers. Any organization is largely

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Wal-Mart Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example The two newspapers, New York Times and the Washington Post published articles saying that the retailer has benefited the low income consumers so much that it definitely counter-acts the harsh labor practices. There is ample empirical evidence which shows that the workers of Wal-Mart are earning below than the average and they are paid with lower wages. Apart from the monetary rewards, even the non monetary rewards that they are not sufficient. This shows that the average wages awarded to the workers of Wal-Mart are less than what many workers get awarded at different large retail stores. The controversy continued deep persisted that how the local pay scale affects Wal-Mart and its image. Research suggest that the openings of the Wal-Mart replaces the better and well paying jobs with the jobs that pay less or below than the average level. Looking at the entry of Wal-Mart and its mission of providing cost effective goods and services, the wages of the average workers have been driven d own as a result. This trend is specifically noticed in the grocery stores industry. During the time period of between 1992 and 2000, it was noticed as soon as a Wal-Mart store would open up in a region; let’s say a county, the average wages will automatically push down between 0.5 and 0.9. If we take a look at the general view, the wages in the merchandise sector fell by 1% with the inauguration of a Wal-Mart store. These effects weren’t just noticed in the counties, but at the state level as well. The trend showed that with the opening of every 50 Wal-Mart stores opening, the average wages decreased 10 per cent. According to another research the health coverage offered to the workers decreased due to the entry... This research paper describes the Walmart, that is the largest retail store of the world today which has very successfully reached an enormous size, providing its consumers the high quality products throughout the US, without compromising on the quality. Wal-Mart has introduced the strategies which help in increasing the employment rate and also focusing on the controlling of the laid off rates. They have taken notice of the critics pointing out on the labor and low wages controversies and hence have introduced strategies to control this. Wal-Mart Stores run the largest discount department stores all around the world and listed it as the world’s third largest corporation. Although it employs more than a two million workers under its name, but the critics state continuously that Walmart tries to exploit its workers with low wages and less non monetary rewards. Any company which goes big become the eye of criticism. And Wal-Mart made sure that the workers are provided with their basic benefits. A genre discrimination lawsuit was filed against Walmart stating that the female workers were treated with discrimination especially in terms of salaries, non monetary benefits and the working conditions as well. Where there are certain criticisms related to the working conditions of the employees and how they are not treated well. However, the researcher believes that this is a part of the popularity and the market share that Wal-Mart has gotten hold of in a short period of time that such criticisms are being given.